Candy's Christmas Kindness
Xander's Balance
John's Pearl
Gift of the Magi'lan
Tails of Scrooge
Nick O'Las and his Elverais
Archer's Heart
When's the next book? I'll let you know >

Candy's Christmas Kindness

Available Now on Amazon (kindle and kindle unlimited)

Candy loves the idea of empathy; something not valued by most of her people. Then, she meets Andy. Andy used to gaze up at the stars to avoid life on Earth, but these days life is very acceptable. He's carved out a life sharing his love of astronomy with others. So, why does it feel like he's lost that spark? . . .

Nick O'Las & His Elverais

Available Now on Amazon (kindle and kindle unlimited)

Avery had messed up. Again. As an agent of the Intergalactic Misconduct Investigation Bureau, she’ll have to face the consequences. Nick O'Las is an outcast. Lonely even among his fellow misfits, he throws himself into bringing joy to children on joyless planets. Maybe this particular Christmas Eve . . .

Tails of Scrooge

Available Now on Amazon (print, kindle, and kindle unlimited)

Unregistered women are going missing in Maggie's town. That big guy up the mountain better do something about it! Scrooge might think she's afraid, but he seems pretty pettable to her. It's that personality that could use a shake-up. As for him, Scrooge's ledgers aren't balancing. Humans are irritating . . .

Gift of the Magi'lan (A Christmas Cookie)

Available Now on Amazon (kindle and kindle unlimited)

Man'ii is a spaceship education instructor who loves to dance in his free time. Zinnia is a tour guide on their space station. Will these new pod-mates have a happy holiday? Cozy up by a fire, or take a moment out of your busy days for a delightful time with Man'ii and Zin. Happy holidays!

Archer's Heart (ARK: The Dark Planet, book 2)

Available Now on Amazon (print, kindle, and kindle unlimited)

As of June 19th, aliens were no longer up for philosophical debate; they’d taken up residence in the minds of a tenth of the U.S. population. Archer went missing that night and everyone thinks he’s not coming back. But how can Lux give up on the man she loves? He would never give up on her . . .

Xander's Balance (ARK: The Dark Planet, book 1)

Available Now on Amazon (print, kindle, and kindle unlimited)

Two months ago aliens were still up for philosophical debate. One chaotic morning in June changed that. Everyone is trying to find their footing in this new reality. Xander has an alien consciousness in his mind, tattoos he didn't pay for, and a set of claws he's not sure he wants . . .

John's Pearl (ARK: The Dark Planet, novella)

Available Now on Amazon (kindle and kindle unlimited)

With the girl he loves like a niece in capable hands, John is feeling a bit lonely. His new stripes, horns, and quick reflexes set him apart from his fellow officers. A walk home, and a split second decision to defend a woman, and he suddenly has a new best friend. Or could she be more?


Mordekaiser's Bane
(ARK: The Dark Planet, book 3)

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